Zach and I decided that we needed to have a CHRISTMAS PARTY this year with some of our best HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS, so that's exactly what we did. It was SOOO much FUN making all the food, finding tacky Christmas clothes, and getting everything ready. We got rave reviews, and decided to make it another TRADITION of ours...We already can't wait for the party next year!!

Zach and I enjoying some yummy BREADSTICKS after a day full of cooking and baking...

Zach and the boys looking STUNNING in their Christmas attire!!

Just two guys, having a GOOD time...

Kin chowing down on a breadstick in her SNUGGIE she got at the gift exchange...WORK it!!

The Fogg's and the Waltman's...Winston won the award for BEST HOLIDAY WEAR!!

Doug and his TWIN...

Playing the "S" game...SO much fun!!

Enjoying some HOT CHOCOLATE in our adorable MUGS

Jake and Doug roasting mallows and warming up by the FIRE!!

Our high school/PLATINUM friends...

Nick and Kin love Christmas CUDDLING!!

Ali and I showing our holiday SPIRIT...She made her own sweater, talk about TALENT!!

These girls have been my friends since 2nd grade, and we're still going strong!!

It wouldn't have been a party without THESE girls...I love them all to pieces

Zach and I in our classy THRIFT TOWN holiday finds!! Thanks for all your help Zachary...I must say, you can frost one mean sugar cookie