Thursday, November 18, 2010


It's OFFICIAL...Austin will be home from his
mission in CHILE in exactly 43 days!!
About a week ago we got an email from his mission office
telling us that he would be home on December 3rd...
We were shocked!! We weren't expecting him home
for at least another month from that date.
We thought that he was being released early to make it home
in time for Christmas, and to start school in January.
We were SO beyond excited.
We even made a paper chain to help us all count down
to the days until he is home...

Our chain was looking pretty short!!
We had a lot to do to get ready for his homecoming.
Well, about a week later we got another email from
his mission secretary telling us that they had made
a mistake and that he was actually coming home December 14th.
Not bad, just about 10 days later then we planning.
Still, he would be home for Christmas!!
Then, about 2 hours later we got ANOTHER email from
his mission. Yep, you guessed it, they had made
another mistake. The 14th was wrong once again.
They felt SO bad, and told us the right date
of him coming home...

JANUARY 1st 2011!!!!

We have waited almost 2 years, what's 43 days right?!
I think this New Years will probably top them all.
We can't wait to finally have him home, and I
can't wait to have my brother back!!

We love you Elder Service,
and can't wait for you to be back!!

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